Tutorial 5: Analytics

DPI R Bootcamp

Jared Knowles


In this lesson we hope to learn:


In this tutorial we will use a number of datasets of different types:

Reading Data In

head(midsch[, 1:12])
##   district_id school_id subject grade n1   ss1 n2   ss2 predicted
## 1          14       130    math     4 44 433.1 40 463.0     468.7
## 2          70        20    math     4 18 443.0 20 477.2     476.5
## 3         112        80    math     4 86 445.4 94 472.6     478.4
## 4         119        50    math     4 95 427.1 94 460.7     464.1
## 5         147        60    math     4 27 424.2 27 458.7     461.8
## 6         147       125    math     4 17 423.5 26 463.1     461.2
##   residuals  resid_z  resid_t
## 1   -5.7446 -0.59190 -0.59171
## 2    0.7235  0.07456  0.07452
## 3   -5.7509 -0.59267 -0.59248
## 4   -3.3586 -0.34606 -0.34591
## 5   -3.0937 -0.31877 -0.31863
## 6    1.8530  0.19094  0.19085

What do we have then?

table(midsch$test_year, midsch$grade)
##           4    5    6    7    8
##   2007 1150 1094  472  638  734
##   2008 1204 1146  462  588  692
##   2009 1173 1092  434  592  668
##   2010 1120 1090  428  610  686
##   2011 1126 1060  420  618  688
## [1] 357
## [1] 247

Explore Data Structure (II)

table(midsch$subject, midsch$grade)
##           4    5    6    7    8
##   math 2886 2741 1108 1523 1734
##   read 2887 2741 1108 1523 1734

Diagnostic Plots Perhaps

qplot(ss1, ss2, data = midsch, alpha = I(0.07)) + theme_dpi() + geom_smooth() + 
    geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE, color = "purple")
plot of chunk diag1

plot of chunk diag1

Frequencies, Crosstabs, and t-tests

Let’s take a simple example of cars

data(mtcars)  # load the data from R
##                    mpg cyl disp  hp drat    wt  qsec vs am gear carb
## Mazda RX4         21.0   6  160 110 3.90 2.620 16.46  0  1    4    4
## Mazda RX4 Wag     21.0   6  160 110 3.90 2.875 17.02  0  1    4    4
## Datsun 710        22.8   4  108  93 3.85 2.320 18.61  1  1    4    1
## Hornet 4 Drive    21.4   6  258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44  1  0    3    1
## Hornet Sportabout 18.7   8  360 175 3.15 3.440 17.02  0  0    3    2
## Valiant           18.1   6  225 105 2.76 3.460 20.22  1  0    3    1

Check for normality

##  Shapiro-Wilk normality test
## data:  mtcars$mpg 
## W = 0.9476, p-value = 0.1229
##  Shapiro-Wilk normality test
## data:  mtcars$hp 
## W = 0.9334, p-value = 0.04881


## [1] 20.09
t.test(mtcars$mpg, mu = 18, alternative = "greater")
##  One Sample t-test
## data:  mtcars$mpg 
## t = 1.962, df = 31, p-value = 0.02938
## alternative hypothesis: true mean is greater than 18 
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  18.28   Inf 
## sample estimates:
## mean of x 
##     20.09
t.test(mtcars$mpg, mu = 22, alternative = "less")
##  One Sample t-test
## data:  mtcars$mpg 
## t = -1.792, df = 31, p-value = 0.04144
## alternative hypothesis: true mean is less than 22 
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -Inf 21.9 
## sample estimates:
## mean of x 
##     20.09

Two sample t-test


t.test(mpg ~ am, data = mtcars)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  mpg by am 
## t = -3.767, df = 18.33, p-value = 0.001374
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0 
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -11.28  -3.21 
## sample estimates:
## mean in group 0 mean in group 1 
##           17.15           24.39

If data is non-normal


aspirin <- matrix(c(189, 104, 10845, 10933), ncol = 2, dimnames = list(c("Placebo", 
    "Aspirin"), c("MI", "No MI")))
##          MI No MI
## Placebo 189 10845
## Aspirin 104 10933

Test it

chisq.test(aspirin, correct = FALSE)
##  Pearson's Chi-squared test
## data:  aspirin 
## X-squared = 25.01, df = 1, p-value = 5.692e-07
##  Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data
## data:  aspirin 
## p-value = 5.033e-07
## alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is not equal to 1 
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  1.432 2.354 
## sample estimates:
## odds ratio 
##      1.832


What questions do we have?

Regression 101

  1. Dependent variable has a linear relationship to a combination of independent variables + a disturbance term (no variables omitted)
  2. The expected value of the disturbance term is zero.
  3. Disturbance terms have the same variance and are not correlated with one another.
  4. The observations of the independent variables are considered fixed in repeated samples.
  5. The number of observations exceeds the number of independent variables and no fixed linear combination exists among the independent variables (perfect collinearity)
  1. Sensitivity of the model to outliers
  2. Confidence interval around predictions
  3. Validity of the model on key subsets

How to approach this?

  1. Work on one test,grade,school_year combination and validate that
  2. Test model assumptions across all combinations
  3. Build one mega model from full data and control for year, grade, and subject

First Step

nrow(unique(midsch[, c(3, 4, 14)]))
## [1] 50

Let’s look at one subset to start

5th grade, 2011, math scores

midsch_sub <- subset(midsch, midsch$grade == 5 & midsch$test_year == 2011 & 
    midsch$subject == "math")

How to specify a regression in R


Run the regression

ss_mod <- lm(ss2 ~ ss1, data = midsch_sub)
## Call:
## lm(formula = ss2 ~ ss1, data = midsch_sub)
## Residuals:
##    Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
## -46.36  -7.60  -0.42   6.49  58.36 
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)  -5.1687    11.3446   -0.46     0.65    
## ss1           1.0644     0.0242   44.00   <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 
## Residual standard error: 11.2 on 528 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.786,   Adjusted R-squared: 0.785 
## F-statistic: 1.94e+03 on 1 and 528 DF,  p-value: <2e-16

Explore the Model Output

##  [1] "assign"        "call"          "coefficients"  "df.residual"  
##  [5] "effects"       "fitted.values" "model"         "qr"           
##  [9] "rank"          "residuals"     "terms"         "xlevels"

Omitted Variable

Plot of class size

qplot(n2, ss2 - ss1, data = midsch, alpha = I(0.1)) + theme_dpi() + geom_smooth()
plot of chunk diagn

plot of chunk diagn

How to check formally

ssN1_mod <- lm(ss2 ~ ss1 + n1, data = midsch_sub)
## Call:
## lm(formula = ss2 ~ ss1 + n1, data = midsch_sub)
## Residuals:
##    Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
## -45.39  -7.73  -0.52   6.42  59.67 
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)   1.6849    11.7688    0.14    0.886    
## ss1           1.0450     0.0258   40.49   <2e-16 ***
## n1            0.0406     0.0193    2.10    0.036 *  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 
## Residual standard error: 11.2 on 527 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.787,   Adjusted R-squared: 0.787 
## F-statistic:  976 on 2 and 527 DF,  p-value: <2e-16
ssN2_mod <- lm(ss2 ~ ss1 + n2, data = midsch_sub)
## Call:
## lm(formula = ss2 ~ ss1 + n2, data = midsch_sub)
## Residuals:
##    Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
## -45.60  -7.62  -0.53   6.52  59.64 
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)   1.7971    11.8544    0.15     0.88    
## ss1           1.0450     0.0260   40.12   <2e-16 ***
## n2            0.0377     0.0192    1.97     0.05 *  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 
## Residual standard error: 11.2 on 527 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.787,   Adjusted R-squared: 0.786 
## F-statistic:  975 on 2 and 527 DF,  p-value: <2e-16

F Test

anova(ss_mod, ssN1_mod, ssN2_mod)
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Model 1: ss2 ~ ss1
## Model 2: ss2 ~ ss1 + n1
## Model 3: ss2 ~ ss1 + n2
##   Res.Df   RSS Df Sum of Sq    F Pr(>F)  
## 1    528 66239                           
## 2    527 65688  1       551 4.42  0.036 *
## 3    527 65755  0       -67              
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## [1] 4067
## [1] 4067

Diagnostic Check for Linearity

resettest(ss_mod, power = 2:4)
##  RESET test
## data:  ss_mod 
## RESET = 2.642, df1 = 3, df2 = 525, p-value = 0.04866
raintest(ss2 ~ ss1, fraction = 0.5, order.by = ~ss1, data = midsch_sub)
##  Rainbow test
## data:  ss2 ~ ss1 
## Rain = 1.402, df1 = 265, df2 = 263, p-value = 0.003105
harvtest(ss2 ~ ss1, order.by = ~ss1, data = midsch_sub)
##  Harvey-Collier test
## data:  ss2 ~ ss1 
## HC = 2.734, df = 527, p-value = 0.006462

Adjust for linearity

ss_poly <- lm(ss2 ~ ss1 + I(ss1^2) + I(ss1^3) + I(ss1^4), data = midsch_sub)
## Call:
## lm(formula = ss2 ~ ss1 + I(ss1^2) + I(ss1^3) + I(ss1^4), data = midsch_sub)
## Residuals:
##    Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
## -44.89  -6.92  -0.20   6.76  59.66 
## Coefficients:
##              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept)  2.61e+03   3.61e+04    0.07     0.94
## ss1         -8.72e+00   3.18e+02   -0.03     0.98
## I(ss1^2)    -9.51e-03   1.05e+00   -0.01     0.99
## I(ss1^3)     7.21e-05   1.54e-03    0.05     0.96
## I(ss1^4)    -6.98e-08   8.42e-07   -0.08     0.93
## Residual standard error: 11.1 on 525 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.789,   Adjusted R-squared: 0.787 
## F-statistic:  490 on 4 and 525 DF,  p-value: <2e-16
anova(ss_mod, ss_poly)
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Model 1: ss2 ~ ss1
## Model 2: ss2 ~ ss1 + I(ss1^2) + I(ss1^3) + I(ss1^4)
##   Res.Df   RSS Df Sum of Sq    F Pr(>F)  
## 1    528 66239                           
## 2    525 65253  3       985 2.64  0.049 *
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Is this polynomial model still nonlinear?

resettest(ss_poly, power = 2:4)
##  RESET test
## data:  ss_poly 
## RESET = 1.562, df1 = 3, df2 = 522, p-value = 0.1976
raintest(ss2 ~ ss1 + I(ss1^2) + I(ss1^3) + I(ss1^4), fraction = 0.5, order.by = ~ss1, 
    data = midsch_sub)
##  Rainbow test
## data:  ss2 ~ ss1 + I(ss1^2) + I(ss1^3) + I(ss1^4) 
## Rain = 1.392, df1 = 265, df2 = 260, p-value = 0.003804
harvtest(ss2 ~ ss1 + I(ss1^2) + I(ss1^3) + I(ss1^4), order.by = ~ss1, data = midsch_sub)
##  Harvey-Collier test
## data:  ss2 ~ ss1 + I(ss1^2) + I(ss1^3) + I(ss1^4) 
## HC = NA, df = 524, p-value = NA

What if we include our omitted variable?

ss_polyn <- lm(ss2 ~ ss1 + I(ss1^2) + I(ss1^3) + I(ss1^4) + n2, data = midsch_sub)
anova(ss_mod, ssN2_mod, ss_poly, ss_polyn)
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Model 1: ss2 ~ ss1
## Model 2: ss2 ~ ss1 + n2
## Model 3: ss2 ~ ss1 + I(ss1^2) + I(ss1^3) + I(ss1^4)
## Model 4: ss2 ~ ss1 + I(ss1^2) + I(ss1^3) + I(ss1^4) + n2
##   Res.Df   RSS Df Sum of Sq    F Pr(>F)  
## 1    528 66239                           
## 2    527 65755  1       483 3.91  0.049 *
## 3    525 65253  2       502 2.03  0.133  
## 4    524 64842  1       411 3.32  0.069 .
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Non-linearity tests

resettest(ss_polyn, power = 2:4)
##  RESET test
## data:  ss_polyn 
## RESET = 2.485, df1 = 3, df2 = 521, p-value = 0.05991
raintest(ss2 ~ ss1 + I(ss1^2) + I(ss1^3) + I(ss1^4) + n2, fraction = 0.5, order.by = ~ss1, 
    data = midsch_sub)
##  Rainbow test
## data:  ss2 ~ ss1 + I(ss1^2) + I(ss1^3) + I(ss1^4) + n2 
## Rain = 1.381, df1 = 265, df2 = 259, p-value = 0.004606
harvtest(ss2 ~ ss1 + I(ss1^2) + I(ss1^3) + I(ss1^4) + n2, order.by = ~ss1, data = midsch_sub)
##  Harvey-Collier test
## data:  ss2 ~ ss1 + I(ss1^2) + I(ss1^3) + I(ss1^4) + n2 
## HC = NA, df = 523, p-value = NA

Another way to explore non-linearity

Diagnostic Check for Quantile Regression

ss_quant <- rq(ss2 ~ ss1, tau = c(seq(0.1, 0.9, 0.1)), data = midsch_sub)
plot(summary(ss_quant, se = "boot", method = "wild"))
plot of chunk quantileregression

plot of chunk quantileregression



ss_quant2 <- rq(ss2 ~ ss1 + I(ss1^2) + I(ss1^3) + I(ss1^4) + n2, tau = c(seq(0.1, 
    0.9, 0.1)), data = midsch_sub)
plot(summary(ss_quant2, se = "boot", method = "wild"))
plot of chunk quantileregression2

plot of chunk quantileregression2

Showing Off

ss_quant3 <- rq(ss2 ~ ss1, tau = -1, data = midsch_sub)
qplot(ss_quant3$sol[1, ], ss_quant3$sol[5, ], geom = "line", main = "Continuous Quantiles") + 
    theme_dpi() + xlab("Quantile") + ylab(expression(beta)) + geom_hline(yintercept = coef(summary(ss_mod))[2, 
    1]) + geom_hline(yintercept = coef(summary(ss_mod))[2, 1] + (2 * coef(summary(ss_mod))[2, 
    2]), linetype = 3) + geom_hline(yintercept = coef(summary(ss_mod))[2, 1] - 
    (2 * coef(summary(ss_mod))[2, 2]), linetype = 3)
plot of chunk betterquantileplot

plot of chunk betterquantileplot

Showing Off 2

ss_quant4 <- rq(ss2 ~ ss1 + I(ss1^2) + I(ss1^3) + I(ss1^4) + n2, tau = -1, data = midsch_sub)
qplot(ss_quant4$sol[1, ], ss_quant4$sol[5, ], geom = "line", main = "Continuous Quantiles") + 
    theme_dpi() + xlab("Quantile") + ylab(expression(beta)) + geom_hline(yintercept = coef(summary(ss_mod))[2, 
    1]) + geom_hline(yintercept = coef(summary(ss_mod))[2, 1] + (2 * coef(summary(ss_mod))[2, 
    2]), linetype = 3) + geom_hline(yintercept = coef(summary(ss_mod))[2, 1] - 
    (2 * coef(summary(ss_mod))[2, 2]), linetype = 3)
plot of chunk betterquantileplot2

plot of chunk betterquantileplot2

Test all 50 models

midsch$id <- interaction(midsch$test_year, midsch$grade, midsch$subject)
mods <- dlply(midsch, .(id), lm, formula = ss2 ~ ss1)
##  [1] "2007.4.math" "2007.4.read" "2007.5.math" "2007.5.read" "2007.6.math"
##  [6] "2007.6.read" "2007.7.math" "2007.7.read" "2007.8.math" "2007.8.read"

Now we have fifty models in an object

mytest <- llply(mods, function(x) resettest(x, power = 2:4))
##  RESET test
## data:  x 
## RESET = 2.499, df1 = 3, df2 = 570, p-value = 0.05876
##  RESET test
## data:  x 
## RESET = 0.8864, df1 = 3, df2 = 597, p-value = 0.4478

Test Residuals

a1 <- qplot(id, residmean, data = ddply(midsch, .(id), summarize, residmean = mean(residuals)), 
    geom = "bar", main = "Provided Residuals") + theme_dpi() + opts(axis.text.x = theme_blank(), 
    axis.ticks = theme_blank()) + ylab("Mean of Residuals") + xlab("Model") + 
    geom_text(aes(x = 12, y = 0.3), label = "SD of Residuals = 9")

a2 <- qplot(id, V1, data = ldply(mods, function(x) mean(x$residuals)), geom = "bar", 
    main = "Replication Models") + theme_dpi() + opts(axis.text.x = theme_blank(), 
    axis.ticks = theme_blank()) + ylab("Mean of Residuals") + xlab("Model") + 
    geom_text(aes(x = 7, y = 0.3), label = paste("SD =", round(mean(ldply(mods, 
        function(x) sd(x$residuals))$V1), 2)))
grid.arrange(a1, a2, main = "Comparing Replication and Provided Residual Means by Model")

Test Expected Value of Residuals

qplot(residuals, data = midsch, geom = "density") + stat_function(fun = dnorm, 
    aes(colour = "Normal")) + geom_histogram(aes(y = ..density..), alpha = I(0.4)) + 
    geom_line(aes(y = ..density.., colour = "Empirical"), stat = "density") + 
    scale_colour_manual(name = "Density", values = c("red", "blue")) + opts(legend.position = c(0.85, 
    0.85)) + theme_dpi()
plot of chunk residplot

plot of chunk residplot

Residuals Have Uniform Variance

b <- 2 * rnorm(5000)
c <- b + runif(5000)
dem <- lm(c ~ b)

a1 <- qplot(midsch$ss1, abs(midsch$residuals), main = "Residual Plot of Replication Data", 
    geom = "point", alpha = I(0.1)) + geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = TRUE) + 
    xlab("SS1") + ylab("Residuals") + geom_smooth(se = FALSE) + ylim(c(0, 50)) + 

a2 <- qplot(b, abs(lm(c ~ b)$residuals), main = "Well Specified OLS", alpha = I(0.3)) + 
    theme_dpi() + geom_smooth()

grid.arrange(a1, a2, ncol = 2)

Empirical Tests

##  studentized Breusch-Pagan test
## data:  ss_mod 
## BP = 7.499, df = 1, p-value = 0.006172
##  Goldfeld-Quandt test
## data:  ss_mod 
## GQ = 0.8302, df1 = 263, df2 = 263, p-value = 0.9341

Correcting for Heteroskedacticity

Accuracy of Predictions

Convenience Functions

damodel <- fortify(ss_mod)
##       ss2           ss1           .hat             .sigma    
##  Min.   :416   Min.   :392   Min.   :0.00189   Min.   :10.9  
##  1st Qu.:478   1st Qu.:457   1st Qu.:0.00207   1st Qu.:11.2  
##  Median :495   Median :471   Median :0.00275   Median :11.2  
##  Mean   :494   Mean   :468   Mean   :0.00377   Mean   :11.2  
##  3rd Qu.:510   3rd Qu.:483   3rd Qu.:0.00416   3rd Qu.:11.2  
##  Max.   :560   Max.   :511   Max.   :0.02920   Max.   :11.2  
##     .cooksd           .fitted        .resid         .stdresid     
##  Min.   :0.00000   Min.   :412   Min.   :-46.36   Min.   :-4.148  
##  1st Qu.:0.00015   1st Qu.:481   1st Qu.: -7.60   1st Qu.:-0.680  
##  Median :0.00062   Median :496   Median : -0.42   Median :-0.038  
##  Mean   :0.00225   Mean   :494   Mean   :  0.00   Mean   : 0.000  
##  3rd Qu.:0.00179   3rd Qu.:509   3rd Qu.:  6.49   3rd Qu.: 0.581  
##  Max.   :0.06596   Max.   :539   Max.   : 58.36   Max.   : 5.218

What do we get?

So, how do we use this?

a <- rnorm(500)
b <- runif(500)
c <- a + b
goodsim <- lm(c ~ a)
goodsim_a <- fortify(goodsim)
qplot(c, .hat, data = goodsim_a) + theme_dpi() + geom_smooth(se = FALSE)
plot of chunk simulatedgoodmodel

plot of chunk simulatedgoodmodel

Let’s look at our model

qplot(ss2, .hat, data = damodel) + theme_dpi() + geom_smooth(se = FALSE)
plot of chunk nonsim

plot of chunk nonsim

Compare and contrast

a <- qplot(c, .hat, data = goodsim_a) + theme_dpi() + geom_smooth(se = FALSE)
b <- qplot(ss2, .hat, data = damodel) + theme_dpi() + geom_smooth(se = FALSE)
grid.arrange(a, b, ncol = 2)

One step further

qplot(ss2, .hat, data = damodel) + theme_dpi() + geom_smooth(se = FALSE) + geom_hline(yintercept = 3 * 
    mean(damodel$.hat), color = I("red"), size = I(1.1))
plot of chunk diagnosticplot

plot of chunk diagnosticplot

Checking this systematically

infobs <- which(apply(influence.measures(ss_mod)$is.inf, 1, any))
ssdata <- cbind(fortify(ss_mod), midsch_sub)
ssdata$id3 <- paste(ssdata$district_id, ssdata$school_id, sep = ".")
noinf <- lm(ss2 ~ ss1, data = midsch_sub[-infobs, ])
noinff <- fortify(noinf)

Then a plot

qplot(ss1, ss2, data = ssdata, alpha = I(0.5)) + geom_line(aes(ss1, .fitted, 
    group = 1), data = ssdata, size = I(1.02)) + geom_line(aes(x = ss1, y = .fitted, 
    group = 1), data = noinff, linetype = 6, size = 1.1, color = "blue") + theme_dpi() + 
    xlab("SS1") + ylab("Y")
plot of chunk infobsplot

plot of chunk infobsplot

What have we learned?

What might we do different to address these concerns?

Megamodel I

my_megamod <- lm(ss2 ~ ss1 + grade + test_year + subject, data = midsch)
## Call:
## lm(formula = ss2 ~ ss1 + grade + test_year + subject, data = midsch)
## Residuals:
##    Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
## -83.58  -6.38   0.69   6.93  62.80 
## Coefficients:
##              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept) 415.92105  108.01823    3.85  0.00012 ***
## ss1           0.89548    0.00321  278.85  < 2e-16 ***
## grade        -0.72909    0.08014   -9.10  < 2e-16 ***
## test_year    -0.16754    0.05380   -3.11  0.00185 ** 
## subjectread -11.53144    0.15245  -75.64  < 2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 
## Residual standard error: 10.7 on 19980 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.9,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.9 
## F-statistic: 4.5e+04 on 4 and 19980 DF,  p-value: <2e-16

Megamodel II

my_megamod2 <- lm(ss2 ~ ss1 + as.factor(grade) + as.factor(test_year) + subject, 
    data = midsch)
## Call:
## lm(formula = ss2 ~ ss1 + as.factor(grade) + as.factor(test_year) + 
##     subject, data = midsch)
## Residuals:
##    Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
## -77.43  -5.78   0.36   6.18  60.16 
## Coefficients:
##                           Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)               72.93813    1.35590   53.79  < 2e-16 ***
## ss1                        0.91197    0.00306  298.17  < 2e-16 ***
## as.factor(grade)5         -8.39756    0.20701  -40.57  < 2e-16 ***
## as.factor(grade)6         -0.69535    0.27917   -2.49    0.013 *  
## as.factor(grade)7         -2.92812    0.29120  -10.06  < 2e-16 ***
## as.factor(grade)8         -7.64546    0.32318  -23.66  < 2e-16 ***
## as.factor(test_year)2008  -3.08623    0.22493  -13.72  < 2e-16 ***
## as.factor(test_year)2009  -0.46178    0.22667   -2.04    0.042 *  
## as.factor(test_year)2010  -1.86967    0.22716   -8.23  < 2e-16 ***
## as.factor(test_year)2011  -1.49652    0.22769   -6.57  5.1e-11 ***
## subjectread              -11.59171    0.14416  -80.41  < 2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 
## Residual standard error: 10.2 on 19974 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.911,   Adjusted R-squared: 0.911 
## F-statistic: 2.04e+04 on 10 and 19974 DF,  p-value: <2e-16



anova(my_megamod, my_megamod2)
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Model 1: ss2 ~ ss1 + grade + test_year + subject
## Model 2: ss2 ~ ss1 + as.factor(grade) + as.factor(test_year) + subject
##   Res.Df     RSS Df Sum of Sq   F Pr(>F)    
## 1  19980 2306425                            
## 2  19974 2061668  6    244757 395 <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Interaction Terms

megamodeli <- lm(ss2 ~ ss1 + as.factor(grade) + subject * factor(test_year), 
    data = midsch)
## Call:
## lm(formula = ss2 ~ ss1 + as.factor(grade) + subject * factor(test_year), 
##     data = midsch)
## Residuals:
##    Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
## -78.38  -5.74   0.32   6.18  60.86 
## Coefficients:
##                                    Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept)                        72.82489    1.35266   53.84  < 2e-16
## ss1                                 0.91331    0.00305  299.53  < 2e-16
## as.factor(grade)5                  -8.43203    0.20601  -40.93  < 2e-16
## as.factor(grade)6                  -0.74629    0.27784   -2.69   0.0072
## as.factor(grade)7                  -3.00776    0.28994  -10.37  < 2e-16
## as.factor(grade)8                  -7.74983    0.32188  -24.08  < 2e-16
## subjectread                       -12.54107    0.31707  -39.55  < 2e-16
## factor(test_year)2008              -4.46270    0.31648  -14.10  < 2e-16
## factor(test_year)2009               0.26387    0.31898    0.83   0.4081
## factor(test_year)2010              -1.58019    0.31991   -4.94  7.9e-07
## factor(test_year)2011              -3.51305    0.32088  -10.95  < 2e-16
## subjectread:factor(test_year)2008   2.74390    0.44713    6.14  8.6e-10
## subjectread:factor(test_year)2009  -1.45665    0.45085   -3.23   0.0012
## subjectread:factor(test_year)2010  -0.58815    0.45192   -1.30   0.1931
## subjectread:factor(test_year)2011   4.02058    0.45290    8.88  < 2e-16
## (Intercept)                       ***
## ss1                               ***
## as.factor(grade)5                 ***
## as.factor(grade)6                 ** 
## as.factor(grade)7                 ***
## as.factor(grade)8                 ***
## subjectread                       ***
## factor(test_year)2008             ***
## factor(test_year)2009                
## factor(test_year)2010             ***
## factor(test_year)2011             ***
## subjectread:factor(test_year)2008 ***
## subjectread:factor(test_year)2009 ** 
## subjectread:factor(test_year)2010    
## subjectread:factor(test_year)2011 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 
## Residual standard error: 10.1 on 19970 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.912,   Adjusted R-squared: 0.912 
## F-statistic: 1.47e+04 on 14 and 19970 DF,  p-value: <2e-16

Interaction Terms II

megamodelii <- lm(ss2 ~ ss1 + as.factor(grade) + subject:factor(test_year), 
    data = midsch)
## Call:
## lm(formula = ss2 ~ ss1 + as.factor(grade) + subject:factor(test_year), 
##     data = midsch)
## Residuals:
##    Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
## -78.38  -5.74   0.32   6.18  60.86 
## Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)
##                                   Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)                       60.79135    1.37799   44.12  < 2e-16 ***
## ss1                                0.91331    0.00305  299.53  < 2e-16 ***
## as.factor(grade)5                 -8.43203    0.20601  -40.93  < 2e-16 ***
## as.factor(grade)6                 -0.74629    0.27784   -2.69   0.0072 ** 
## as.factor(grade)7                 -3.00776    0.28994  -10.37  < 2e-16 ***
## as.factor(grade)8                 -7.74983    0.32188  -24.08  < 2e-16 ***
## subjectmath:factor(test_year)2007 12.03354    0.32069   37.52  < 2e-16 ***
## subjectread:factor(test_year)2007 -0.50753    0.31972   -1.59   0.1124    
## subjectmath:factor(test_year)2008  7.57083    0.31980   23.67  < 2e-16 ***
## subjectread:factor(test_year)2008 -2.22633    0.31968   -6.96  3.4e-12 ***
## subjectmath:factor(test_year)2009 12.29741    0.32256   38.12  < 2e-16 ***
## subjectread:factor(test_year)2009 -1.70032    0.32223   -5.28  1.3e-07 ***
## subjectmath:factor(test_year)2010 10.45335    0.32279   32.38  < 2e-16 ***
## subjectread:factor(test_year)2010 -2.67587    0.32275   -8.29  < 2e-16 ***
## subjectmath:factor(test_year)2011  8.52049    0.32321   26.36  < 2e-16 ***
## subjectread:factor(test_year)2011       NA         NA      NA       NA    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 
## Residual standard error: 10.1 on 19970 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.912,   Adjusted R-squared: 0.912 
## F-statistic: 1.47e+04 on 14 and 19970 DF,  p-value: <2e-16

Meganova for fun

anova(my_megamod, my_megamod2, megamodelii, megamodeli)
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Model 1: ss2 ~ ss1 + grade + test_year + subject
## Model 2: ss2 ~ ss1 + as.factor(grade) + as.factor(test_year) + subject
## Model 3: ss2 ~ ss1 + as.factor(grade) + subject:factor(test_year)
## Model 4: ss2 ~ ss1 + as.factor(grade) + subject * factor(test_year)
##   Res.Df     RSS Df Sum of Sq     F Pr(>F)    
## 1  19980 2306425                              
## 2  19974 2061668  6    244757 399.3 <2e-16 ***
## 3  19970 2040193  4     21475  52.5 <2e-16 ***
## 4  19970 2040193  0         0                 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

What about nesting the data?

badidea <- lm(ss2 ~ ss1 + as.factor(grade) + as.factor(test_year) + subject + 
    factor(district_id), data = midsch)
## Call:
## lm(formula = ss2 ~ ss1 + as.factor(grade) + as.factor(test_year) + 
##     subject + factor(district_id), data = midsch)
## Residuals:
##    Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
## -67.49  -5.48  -0.01   5.47  62.79 
## Coefficients:
##                           Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)              148.98751    3.81658   39.04  < 2e-16 ***
## ss1                        0.74205    0.00423  175.31  < 2e-16 ***
## as.factor(grade)5         -3.85890    0.21074  -18.31  < 2e-16 ***
## as.factor(grade)6          6.60333    0.30341   21.76  < 2e-16 ***
## as.factor(grade)7          7.73675    0.33706   22.95  < 2e-16 ***
## as.factor(grade)8          5.69441    0.38978   14.61  < 2e-16 ***
## as.factor(test_year)2008  -2.59695    0.21338  -12.17  < 2e-16 ***
## as.factor(test_year)2009   0.17251    0.21602    0.80  0.42453    
## as.factor(test_year)2010  -0.84928    0.21778   -3.90  9.7e-05 ***
## as.factor(test_year)2011  -0.45301    0.21753   -2.08  0.03731 *  
## subjectread              -10.97461    0.13420  -81.78  < 2e-16 ***
## factor(district_id)14     -5.89212    3.61105   -1.63  0.10276    
## factor(district_id)70      1.89458    4.47156    0.42  0.67179    
## factor(district_id)84     -1.31629    4.71604   -0.28  0.78016    
## factor(district_id)91      2.99628    4.17978    0.72  0.47347    
## factor(district_id)112     0.30500    3.65142    0.08  0.93343    
## factor(district_id)119     3.35189    3.68485    0.91  0.36302    
## factor(district_id)126    -2.41477    5.77471   -0.42  0.67583    
## factor(district_id)140    -1.61203    3.62384   -0.44  0.65644    
## factor(district_id)147     1.75132    3.36281    0.52  0.60252    
## factor(district_id)154    -1.94406    3.58967   -0.54  0.58812    
## factor(district_id)161     3.79405    5.77435    0.66  0.51116    
## factor(district_id)170    -0.95470    3.54819   -0.27  0.78788    
## factor(district_id)182     4.67066    3.56335    1.31  0.18996    
## factor(district_id)203     0.95483    4.30520    0.22  0.82448    
## factor(district_id)217    -2.14888    5.77247   -0.37  0.70970    
## factor(district_id)231     1.32681    3.84933    0.34  0.73033    
## factor(district_id)238     0.99708    3.81210    0.26  0.79367    
## factor(district_id)280    -1.67854    3.49559   -0.48  0.63110    
## factor(district_id)308    -4.03393    3.66661   -1.10  0.27127    
## factor(district_id)336     0.01280    3.49218    0.00  0.99708    
## factor(district_id)350     5.40344    5.09415    1.06  0.28883    
## factor(district_id)413    -4.40799    3.38955   -1.30  0.19346    
## factor(district_id)422    -1.68519    3.68427   -0.46  0.64739    
## factor(district_id)427    19.33171    7.45405    2.59  0.00951 ** 
## factor(district_id)434    -1.73695    3.65076   -0.48  0.63424    
## factor(district_id)469     3.75988    4.71376    0.80  0.42509    
## factor(district_id)476    -4.06442    3.72603   -1.09  0.27537    
## factor(district_id)485     2.61823    4.30459    0.61  0.54303    
## factor(district_id)497    -3.12815    5.09092   -0.61  0.53892    
## factor(district_id)602    -1.92506    3.94358   -0.49  0.62545    
## factor(district_id)609    -0.43771    4.71448   -0.09  0.92603    
## factor(district_id)616     1.28019    3.94472    0.32  0.74554    
## factor(district_id)623     3.18066    4.30363    0.74  0.45988    
## factor(district_id)637    -0.55437    7.45378   -0.07  0.94071    
## factor(district_id)657    12.53789    4.47516    2.80  0.00509 ** 
## factor(district_id)658    -1.00424    4.30261   -0.23  0.81545    
## factor(district_id)665    -1.05043    3.58996   -0.29  0.76983    
## factor(district_id)700    -0.79929    3.84847   -0.21  0.83547    
## factor(district_id)714     7.22362    3.45606    2.09  0.03662 *  
## factor(district_id)721     0.24070    3.65129    0.07  0.94744    
## factor(district_id)735    -1.14845    4.08171   -0.28  0.77843    
## factor(district_id)777    -1.51765    3.61159   -0.42  0.67433    
## factor(district_id)840     7.54670    7.45362    1.01  0.31132    
## factor(district_id)870     1.36074    4.17983    0.33  0.74477    
## factor(district_id)896    -0.29208    4.71412   -0.06  0.95060    
## factor(district_id)903    -1.34798    3.81176   -0.35  0.72361    
## factor(district_id)910    -3.96702    4.00659   -0.99  0.32213    
## factor(district_id)994     9.29289    5.77557    1.61  0.10763    
## factor(district_id)1015    6.43248    3.62528    1.77  0.07602 .  
## factor(district_id)1029    6.11486    4.47180    1.37  0.17151    
## factor(district_id)1078    1.14949    3.84857    0.30  0.76519    
## factor(district_id)1085    3.77354    3.94367    0.96  0.33865    
## factor(district_id)1092   -0.18947    3.48134   -0.05  0.95660    
## factor(district_id)1134   -2.73460    3.66722   -0.75  0.45587    
## factor(district_id)1141   -4.27890    3.66731   -1.17  0.24332    
## factor(district_id)1162    5.02019    5.09040    0.99  0.32404    
## factor(district_id)1176    1.51987    3.75060    0.41  0.68531    
## factor(district_id)1183    1.93317    3.72664    0.52  0.60394    
## factor(district_id)1218   -1.35219    4.71286   -0.29  0.77418    
## factor(district_id)1232    1.50135    4.71616    0.32  0.75023    
## factor(district_id)1253   -4.08712    3.49242   -1.17  0.24190    
## factor(district_id)1260   -1.79921    3.70474   -0.49  0.62722    
## factor(district_id)1295   -0.65535    4.47422   -0.15  0.88355    
## factor(district_id)1309    2.55693    4.17909    0.61  0.54065    
## factor(district_id)1316    3.67797    3.65186    1.01  0.31387    
## factor(district_id)1376    6.55185    3.56432    1.84  0.06605 .  
## factor(district_id)1380   -7.86521    3.49585   -2.25  0.02447 *  
## factor(district_id)1407    2.30171    4.30266    0.53  0.59269    
## factor(district_id)1414    5.36948    3.62488    1.48  0.13855    
## factor(district_id)1428    2.20112    4.08271    0.54  0.58980    
## factor(district_id)1449   10.67951    7.45333    1.43  0.15192    
## factor(district_id)1499   -2.28246    4.18016   -0.55  0.58506    
## factor(district_id)1526   -0.69238    3.62326   -0.19  0.84846    
## factor(district_id)1540    2.69523    3.65116    0.74  0.46041    
## factor(district_id)1554    1.37737    3.38333    0.41  0.68394    
## factor(district_id)1568    0.77716    3.65077    0.21  0.83143    
## factor(district_id)1600    5.29397    7.45430    0.71  0.47760    
## factor(district_id)1631    2.77177    4.47192    0.62  0.53539    
## factor(district_id)1638    2.45280    3.51370    0.70  0.48514    
## factor(district_id)1645    4.41788    3.89267    1.13  0.25642    
## factor(district_id)1659    2.53142    3.77974    0.67  0.50304    
## factor(district_id)1673   -7.60574    5.77207   -1.32  0.18763    
## factor(district_id)1687    3.52457    3.59087    0.98  0.32634    
## factor(district_id)1694   -0.18870    3.68475   -0.05  0.95916    
## factor(district_id)1729   -0.84508    5.77264   -0.15  0.88361    
## factor(district_id)1813   -7.13497    5.09373   -1.40  0.16131    
## factor(district_id)1848  -10.70569    4.47481   -2.39  0.01675 *  
## factor(district_id)1855   -2.50834    5.77242   -0.43  0.66390    
## factor(district_id)1862   -0.37137    3.41120   -0.11  0.91331    
## factor(district_id)1883    2.20178    3.68386    0.60  0.55006    
## factor(district_id)1890    5.96119    4.47214    1.33  0.18256    
## factor(district_id)1897    4.40600    3.62546    1.22  0.22427    
## factor(district_id)1900    4.66362    3.52007    1.32  0.18523    
## factor(district_id)1939   -2.29608    5.09149   -0.45  0.65202    
## factor(district_id)1945    0.52588    3.58011    0.15  0.88322    
## factor(district_id)1953    2.08524    3.77912    0.55  0.58111    
## factor(district_id)2009   -0.54325    4.30303   -0.13  0.89954    
## factor(district_id)2044    4.81875    5.09405    0.95  0.34418    
## factor(district_id)2051   -1.05207    3.70471   -0.28  0.77643    
## factor(district_id)2058    5.48442    3.60238    1.52  0.12791    
## factor(district_id)2128    3.17750    5.09021    0.62  0.53248    
## factor(district_id)2142    4.70263    3.81229    1.23  0.21739    
## factor(district_id)2184   -2.01049    3.68504   -0.55  0.58536    
## factor(district_id)2205    5.24323    4.71439    1.11  0.26608    
## factor(district_id)2212   -7.82371    5.77328   -1.36  0.17538    
## factor(district_id)2217    3.29519    3.77999    0.87  0.38336    
## factor(district_id)2226   -8.82873    4.08243   -2.16  0.03058 *  
## factor(district_id)2233    1.27707    3.72649    0.34  0.73183    
## factor(district_id)2240   -5.08814    4.71348   -1.08  0.28038    
## factor(district_id)2289   -1.41013    3.35904   -0.42  0.67463    
## factor(district_id)2296    4.88177    3.52538    1.38  0.16614    
## factor(district_id)2303   -2.15791    3.51330   -0.61  0.53908    
## factor(district_id)2310    0.57489    5.09356    0.11  0.91014    
## factor(district_id)2420    6.15664    3.52477    1.75  0.08071 .  
## factor(district_id)2422   -2.71442    3.72648   -0.73  0.46637    
## factor(district_id)2443    2.17936    3.65091    0.60  0.55056    
## factor(district_id)2460    4.63823    3.62429    1.28  0.20064    
## factor(district_id)2478   -0.07777    3.65072   -0.02  0.98300    
## factor(district_id)2485   -0.32718    4.47159   -0.07  0.94167    
## factor(district_id)2523    2.10726    4.08129    0.52  0.60563    
## factor(district_id)2527    2.19518    4.17909    0.53  0.59940    
## factor(district_id)2534    4.39408    7.45429    0.59  0.55555    
## factor(district_id)2541   -7.08520    5.09390   -1.39  0.16427    
## factor(district_id)2562    2.36758    3.50406    0.68  0.49926    
## factor(district_id)2576   -0.25670    3.89144   -0.07  0.94741    
## factor(district_id)2583    3.22269    3.49641    0.92  0.35669    
## factor(district_id)2604    4.19445    3.58169    1.17  0.24158    
## factor(district_id)2605    4.42663    4.30389    1.03  0.30372    
## factor(district_id)2611    5.74927    3.47547    1.65  0.09809 .  
## factor(district_id)2618   -3.66167    4.17895   -0.88  0.38092    
## factor(district_id)2632    4.82899    4.47407    1.08  0.28045    
## factor(district_id)2646    3.15504    4.47427    0.71  0.48072    
## factor(district_id)2695    1.17008    3.38716    0.35  0.72976    
## factor(district_id)2702   -0.10449    3.72627   -0.03  0.97763    
## factor(district_id)2730   -3.09343    4.30366   -0.72  0.47228    
## factor(district_id)2737    5.32855    4.47168    1.19  0.23342    
## factor(district_id)2744   -4.60344    3.77878   -1.22  0.22315    
## factor(district_id)2758   -1.76045    3.61111   -0.49  0.62590    
## factor(district_id)2793   -0.56062    3.35586   -0.17  0.86733    
## factor(district_id)2800   -0.06760    3.65091   -0.02  0.98523    
## factor(district_id)2814    3.62502    4.71318    0.77  0.44183    
## factor(district_id)2828    1.44955    3.75220    0.39  0.69926    
## factor(district_id)2835    6.56438    3.62457    1.81  0.07014 .  
## factor(district_id)2842   10.16507    5.09333    2.00  0.04597 *  
## factor(district_id)2849   -1.56283    3.41139   -0.46  0.64687    
## factor(district_id)2856   -2.41869    3.75122   -0.64  0.51908    
## factor(district_id)2863    0.75008    7.45383    0.10  0.91985    
## factor(district_id)2885   -2.90480    3.50402   -0.83  0.40712    
## factor(district_id)2898    1.42446    3.75087    0.38  0.70412    
## factor(district_id)2912    1.41648    4.71501    0.30  0.76386    
## factor(district_id)2940   -7.94843    4.71462   -1.69  0.09183 .  
## factor(district_id)2961    7.85789    4.71429    1.67  0.09557 .  
## factor(district_id)3087   -4.01147    4.71609   -0.85  0.39501    
## factor(district_id)3129    0.38014    3.65092    0.10  0.91707    
## factor(district_id)3150    1.97300    3.84836    0.51  0.60818    
## factor(district_id)3171    2.00136    4.71435    0.42  0.67119    
## factor(district_id)3206   10.75595    7.45256    1.44  0.14896    
## factor(district_id)3220    2.40836    3.72648    0.65  0.51810    
## factor(district_id)3269   -1.52719    3.35200   -0.46  0.64868    
## factor(district_id)3290   -1.75732    3.42052   -0.51  0.60743    
## factor(district_id)3297   -0.83698    3.94285   -0.21  0.83189    
## factor(district_id)3304    5.20597    4.47435    1.16  0.24464    
## factor(district_id)3311   -1.18911    3.72686   -0.32  0.74968    
## factor(district_id)3318   -1.50459    5.09382   -0.30  0.76771    
## factor(district_id)3325   -3.15125    5.77539   -0.55  0.58532    
## factor(district_id)3332   -0.52079    3.72640   -0.14  0.88885    
## factor(district_id)3339    5.17735    3.46511    1.49  0.13516    
## factor(district_id)3360    0.00374    3.59970    0.00  0.99917    
## factor(district_id)3367   -0.24629    3.58983   -0.07  0.94530    
## factor(district_id)3381    1.58885    3.68557    0.43  0.66640    
## factor(district_id)3409   -0.60769    3.66741   -0.17  0.86839    
## factor(district_id)3427   -2.25874    4.47161   -0.51  0.61347    
## factor(district_id)3428    5.82348    5.77326    1.01  0.31313    
## factor(district_id)3430   -5.60499    3.47808   -1.61  0.10708    
## factor(district_id)3434   -8.43723    3.72691   -2.26  0.02359 *  
## factor(district_id)3437    4.23683    3.54239    1.20  0.23170    
## factor(district_id)3444   -2.75734    3.53509   -0.78  0.43541    
## factor(district_id)3479    8.07864    3.49078    2.31  0.02066 *  
## factor(district_id)3484   -6.21708    4.47217   -1.39  0.16449    
## factor(district_id)3500    1.48277    3.58078    0.41  0.67881    
## factor(district_id)3510   11.97253    3.75368    3.19  0.00143 ** 
## factor(district_id)3528    8.12939    3.72929    2.18  0.02928 *  
## factor(district_id)3549    6.71485    3.42833    1.96  0.05017 .  
## factor(district_id)3612    0.58480    3.78012    0.15  0.87706    
## factor(district_id)3619  -11.40273    3.33859   -3.42  0.00064 ***
## factor(district_id)3640   -1.95526    4.47171   -0.44  0.66193    
## factor(district_id)3654    0.16701    4.47190    0.04  0.97021    
## factor(district_id)3661    0.98847    5.77469    0.17  0.86409    
## factor(district_id)3668    5.59218    5.77236    0.97  0.33266    
## factor(district_id)3675    4.46823    3.66813    1.22  0.22319    
## factor(district_id)3682    1.05085    3.75157    0.28  0.77940    
## factor(district_id)3689   -0.81978    4.17866   -0.20  0.84447    
## factor(district_id)3696    0.61941    5.77433    0.11  0.91458    
## factor(district_id)3787   -1.82025    3.65125   -0.50  0.61812    
## factor(district_id)3794    3.50740    3.65132    0.96  0.33677    
## factor(district_id)3822    6.69083    3.49384    1.92  0.05550 .  
## factor(district_id)3857    3.63767    3.51487    1.03  0.30071    
## factor(district_id)3862    9.15740    3.65499    2.51  0.01224 *  
## factor(district_id)3871   -3.21138    3.72616   -0.86  0.38878    
## factor(district_id)3892    3.30407    3.42625    0.96  0.33489    
## factor(district_id)3899   -2.46155    4.08164   -0.60  0.54646    
## factor(district_id)3906   -3.12682    3.65131   -0.86  0.39181    
## factor(district_id)3913   -1.24485    4.47425   -0.28  0.78084    
## factor(district_id)3925    5.25080    3.48699    1.51  0.13213    
## factor(district_id)3934    4.35825    5.09372    0.86  0.39222    
## factor(district_id)3941   -0.21718    4.08117   -0.05  0.95756    
## factor(district_id)3948   -4.38526    3.81242   -1.15  0.25005    
## factor(district_id)3955   -0.73287    3.63626   -0.20  0.84028    
## factor(district_id)3962    0.49831    3.61097    0.14  0.89024    
## factor(district_id)3969   -1.32823    5.09142   -0.26  0.79419    
## factor(district_id)3983   -3.93047    3.68462   -1.07  0.28611    
## factor(district_id)3990   -8.58757    5.09367   -1.69  0.09183 .  
## factor(district_id)4011    1.01859    4.30367    0.24  0.81291    
## factor(district_id)4018   -0.46530    3.43564   -0.14  0.89227    
## factor(district_id)4060    4.70264    3.48238    1.35  0.17690    
## factor(district_id)4067   -2.17809    3.68491   -0.59  0.55447    
## factor(district_id)4074   -1.54639    3.75127   -0.41  0.68017    
## factor(district_id)4088   -5.26138    3.77880   -1.39  0.16383    
## factor(district_id)4095    3.15058    3.51345    0.90  0.36988    
## factor(district_id)4144    2.90557    3.75214    0.77  0.43872    
## factor(district_id)4151    0.82096    3.66734    0.22  0.82287    
## factor(district_id)4165   -0.15343    3.77881   -0.04  0.96761    
## factor(district_id)4179    0.88401    3.38827    0.26  0.79417    
## factor(district_id)4186   -4.82044    4.71338   -1.02  0.30646    
## factor(district_id)4207    2.35274    5.09413    0.46  0.64419    
## factor(district_id)4221    0.11081    7.45369    0.01  0.98814    
## factor(district_id)4228   -0.55538    3.81152   -0.15  0.88415    
## factor(district_id)4235    6.42321    3.65247    1.76  0.07866 .  
## factor(district_id)4270   -2.05746    4.08349   -0.50  0.61437    
## factor(district_id)4305   -0.84025    3.72717   -0.23  0.82164    
## factor(district_id)4312    4.54308    3.75327    1.21  0.22613    
## factor(district_id)4330   -3.29387    5.09215   -0.65  0.51773    
## factor(district_id)4347    3.15451    4.71379    0.67  0.50337    
## factor(district_id)4368   -2.06023    3.94404   -0.52  0.60142    
## factor(district_id)4375   -4.94303    7.45176   -0.66  0.50712    
## factor(district_id)4389    3.52896    3.81179    0.93  0.35456    
## factor(district_id)4459   -1.21356    4.71317   -0.26  0.79681    
## factor(district_id)4473    0.48775    4.00598    0.12  0.90309    
## factor(district_id)4501    2.66716    3.48896    0.76  0.44460    
## factor(district_id)4515    1.68297    3.65202    0.46  0.64492    
## factor(district_id)4529   -2.79105    4.71634   -0.59  0.55400    
## factor(district_id)4536   -1.22878    3.94418   -0.31  0.75539    
## factor(district_id)4543   -3.70921    3.94404   -0.94  0.34699    
## factor(district_id)4571    6.56348    4.17899    1.57  0.11629    
## factor(district_id)4578   -0.34842    3.89196   -0.09  0.92867    
## factor(district_id)4606   -5.12270    4.47217   -1.15  0.25203    
## factor(district_id)4613    3.71168    3.58992    1.03  0.30119    
## factor(district_id)4620   -5.72089    3.36191   -1.70  0.08883 .  
## factor(district_id)4627    0.42263    3.59009    0.12  0.90629    
## factor(district_id)4634    0.53901    3.94257    0.14  0.89126    
## factor(district_id)4641    2.86318    3.84934    0.74  0.45700    
## factor(district_id)4686   -1.31770    4.47447   -0.29  0.76838    
## factor(district_id)4690    4.97604    3.94520    1.26  0.20722    
## factor(district_id)4753   -2.89608    3.56281   -0.81  0.41630    
## factor(district_id)4760   -0.49195    5.09203   -0.10  0.92304    
## factor(district_id)4781   -2.04888    3.77917   -0.54  0.58772    
## factor(district_id)4802    1.20556    3.63632    0.33  0.74025    
## factor(district_id)4843    2.64340    4.47498    0.59  0.55472    
## factor(district_id)4851   -0.02014    3.72589   -0.01  0.99569    
## factor(district_id)4872    3.02402    3.70453    0.82  0.41434    
## factor(district_id)4893    2.42670    3.61136    0.67  0.50162    
## factor(district_id)4956   -1.02238    5.77526   -0.18  0.85949    
## factor(district_id)4963    0.09122    5.77239    0.02  0.98739    
## factor(district_id)4970    1.84765    3.46417    0.53  0.59379    
## factor(district_id)4998    0.33248    3.75226    0.09  0.92939    
## factor(district_id)5019    1.99548    3.65133    0.55  0.58472    
## factor(district_id)5026   -2.27390    3.65125   -0.62  0.53344    
## factor(district_id)5068    0.76529    3.58969    0.21  0.83118    
## factor(district_id)5100    2.39017    3.65142    0.65  0.51274    
## factor(district_id)5138   -0.12093    3.68491   -0.03  0.97382    
## factor(district_id)5264   -1.97448    3.57126   -0.55  0.58035    
## factor(district_id)5271   -2.39441    3.39648   -0.70  0.48084    
## factor(district_id)5278    0.02451    3.70488    0.01  0.99472    
## factor(district_id)5306    0.08681    4.17874    0.02  0.98343    
## factor(district_id)5348    1.60339    4.47423    0.36  0.72008    
## factor(district_id)5355    7.44106    3.53756    2.10  0.03544 *  
## factor(district_id)5362  -10.94444    5.77429   -1.90  0.05806 .  
## factor(district_id)5369   -3.42761    3.94394   -0.87  0.38481    
## factor(district_id)5390    4.57097    3.68549    1.24  0.21489    
## factor(district_id)5432   -1.67459    3.66743   -0.46  0.64795    
## factor(district_id)5439    0.22307    3.51339    0.06  0.94938    
## factor(district_id)5457    3.90093    4.71348    0.83  0.40790    
## factor(district_id)5460   -1.62756    3.75091   -0.43  0.66436    
## factor(district_id)5467   -4.42693    4.71391   -0.94  0.34768    
## factor(district_id)5474   -1.44116    3.65127   -0.39  0.69307    
## factor(district_id)5523    0.43580    4.71383    0.09  0.92634    
## factor(district_id)5593    3.46994    3.77893    0.92  0.35851    
## factor(district_id)5607    2.12929    3.39691    0.63  0.53078    
## factor(district_id)5614    7.36388    5.09060    1.45  0.14804    
## factor(district_id)5621    2.28187    3.63714    0.63  0.53042    
## factor(district_id)5628   -4.38937    5.09158   -0.86  0.38865    
## factor(district_id)5642    1.17074    3.68471    0.32  0.75069    
## factor(district_id)5656    3.25016    3.42249    0.95  0.34230    
## factor(district_id)5663   -2.10336    3.51346   -0.60  0.54941    
## factor(district_id)5740    1.62524    5.77432    0.28  0.77836    
## factor(district_id)5747   -2.07069    3.48823   -0.59  0.55277    
## factor(district_id)5754   -0.82441    3.65073   -0.23  0.82134    
## factor(district_id)5757    1.25904    4.47154    0.28  0.77828    
## factor(district_id)5810    0.59861    4.47433    0.13  0.89357    
## factor(district_id)5817    0.19100    3.58970    0.05  0.95757    
## factor(district_id)5824   -1.87195    3.75177   -0.50  0.61782    
## factor(district_id)5859   -0.37260    3.58995   -0.10  0.91734    
## factor(district_id)5866   -1.26506    3.89199   -0.33  0.74515    
## factor(district_id)5901    4.99285    3.43009    1.46  0.14552    
## factor(district_id)5985    0.48091    3.70479    0.13  0.89672    
## factor(district_id)6022    0.59604    3.75057    0.16  0.87373    
## factor(district_id)6027    3.73754    4.47270    0.84  0.40337    
## factor(district_id)6069    6.75909    7.45406    0.91  0.36454    
## factor(district_id)6113    3.01917    3.54343    0.85  0.39420    
## factor(district_id)6118    2.15589    4.17919    0.52  0.60596    
## factor(district_id)6125   -3.01876    3.50402   -0.86  0.38897    
## factor(district_id)6174   -0.84132    3.38023   -0.25  0.80345    
## factor(district_id)6181    4.72504    3.68737    1.28  0.20006    
## factor(district_id)6195    1.50596    3.65099    0.41  0.67999    
## factor(district_id)6216   -0.28851    3.84864   -0.07  0.94024    
## factor(district_id)6223   -0.98643    3.40467   -0.29  0.77203    
## factor(district_id)6237   -1.21340    3.65132   -0.33  0.73965    
## factor(district_id)6244    5.09525    3.46210    1.47  0.14111    
## factor(district_id)6251   -7.39975    7.45382   -0.99  0.32085    
## factor(district_id)6293   -4.72362    5.77298   -0.82  0.41324    
## factor(district_id)6300   -1.23379    3.39171   -0.36  0.71604    
## factor(district_id)6307    3.35074    3.42736    0.98  0.32826    
## factor(district_id)6321    2.70223    4.30224    0.63  0.52995    
## factor(district_id)6328    2.52815    3.58970    0.70  0.48127    
## factor(district_id)6335   -5.87878    4.00720   -1.47  0.14238    
## factor(district_id)6354    4.41717    5.77437    0.76  0.44430    
## factor(district_id)6370    1.61430    3.68449    0.44  0.66129    
## factor(district_id)6384    3.15642    3.94354    0.80  0.42349    
## factor(district_id)6410    4.04696    4.71351    0.86  0.39058    
## factor(district_id)6412   -1.06433    4.47409   -0.24  0.81197    
## factor(district_id)6419    7.85542    3.60295    2.18  0.02925 *  
## factor(district_id)6426   -4.29733    4.71493   -0.91  0.36208    
## factor(district_id)6461   -1.73587    3.72576   -0.47  0.64128    
## factor(district_id)6470    5.11143    3.58076    1.43  0.15346    
## factor(district_id)6475    3.70838    4.71326    0.79  0.43141    
## factor(district_id)6482    6.38815    3.94488    1.62  0.10539    
## factor(district_id)6608    1.08436    3.81156    0.28  0.77604    
## factor(district_id)6678   -1.38829    3.62290   -0.38  0.70158    
## factor(district_id)6685    0.95113    3.41806    0.28  0.78081    
## factor(district_id)6692    0.54324    3.65124    0.15  0.88173    
## factor(district_id)6713    5.17383    5.09167    1.02  0.30958    
## factor(district_id)6720    0.05296    3.75167    0.01  0.98874    
## factor(district_id)6734    2.26972    3.94448    0.58  0.56502    
## factor(district_id)6748    0.91425    3.94414    0.23  0.81670    
## factor(district_id)8101   12.82290    7.45221    1.72  0.08532 .  
## factor(district_id)8105   -7.72771    3.59165   -2.15  0.03144 *  
## factor(district_id)8106   -9.86535    3.59567   -2.74  0.00608 ** 
## factor(district_id)8108   -9.30716    3.59433   -2.59  0.00962 ** 
## factor(district_id)8109  -12.35445    3.65396   -3.38  0.00072 ***
## factor(district_id)8110   -7.54074    3.59052   -2.10  0.03573 *  
## factor(district_id)8111   -2.87774    3.59103   -0.80  0.42293    
## factor(district_id)8112  -16.47665    3.95843   -4.16  3.2e-05 ***
## factor(district_id)8113   -2.60778    3.94245   -0.66  0.50832    
## factor(district_id)8114   -5.19282    4.71499   -1.10  0.27076    
## factor(district_id)8121   -2.72249    4.00629   -0.68  0.49679    
## factor(district_id)8122  -17.15444    5.77587   -2.97  0.00298 ** 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 
## Residual standard error: 9.42 on 19618 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.925,   Adjusted R-squared: 0.923 
## F-statistic:  657 on 366 and 19618 DF,  p-value: <2e-16

Adjusting for Heteroskedasticity

vcovHC(ss_mod, type = "HC4")
##             (Intercept)        ss1
## (Intercept)    182.3905 -0.3858415
## ss1             -0.3858  0.0008173


gls.correct <- function(lm) {
    rob <- t(sapply(c("const", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3", "HC4", "HC5"), function(x) sqrt(diag(vcovHC(lm, 
        type = x)))))
    a <- c(NA, (rob[2, 1] - rob[1, 1])/rob[1, 1], (rob[3, 1] - rob[1, 1])/rob[1, 
        1], (rob[4, 1] - rob[1, 1])/rob[1, 1], (rob[5, 1] - rob[1, 1])/rob[1, 
        1], (rob[6, 1] - rob[1, 1])/rob[1, 1], (rob[7, 1] - rob[1, 1])/rob[1, 
    rob <- cbind(rob, round(a * 100, 2))
    a <- c(NA, (rob[2, 2] - rob[1, 2])/rob[1, 2], (rob[3, 2] - rob[1, 2])/rob[1, 
        2], (rob[4, 2] - rob[1, 2])/rob[1, 2], (rob[5, 2] - rob[1, 2])/rob[1, 
        2], (rob[6, 2] - rob[1, 2])/rob[1, 2], (rob[7, 2] - rob[1, 2])/rob[1, 
    rob <- cbind(rob, round(a * 100, 2))
    rob <- as.data.frame(rob)
    names(rob) <- c("alpha", "beta", "alpha.pchange", "beta.pchange")
    rob$id2 <- rownames(rob)

Results of GLS Function


How to Explore Substantive Significance

Clumsy Code to Do This

a <- coef(ssN1_mod)
xdat <- seq(min(midsch_sub$ss1), max(midsch_sub$ss1), length.out = 20)
ydat <- xdat * a[2] + a[1] + (median(midsch_sub$n1) * a[3])
ydatsmall <- xdat * a[2] + a[1] + (min(midsch_sub$n1) * a[3])
ydatbig <- xdat * a[2] + a[1] + (max(midsch_sub$n1) * a[3])

myx <- rep(xdat, 3)
myy <- c(ydat, ydatsmall, ydatbig)
mymod <- rep(c("mean", "low", "high"), each = length(xdat))

newdat <- data.frame(x = myx, y = myy, type = mymod)

ggplot(newdat, aes(x = x, y = y, color = mymod)) + geom_line(aes(linetype = mymod), 
    size = I(0.8)) + coord_cartesian() + theme_dpi()

Coefficient Plots

b <- sqrt(diag(vcov(ssN1_mod)))
mycoef <- data.frame(var = names(b), y = a, se = b)

ggplot(mycoef[2:3, ], aes(x = var, y = y, ymin = y - 2 * se, ymax = y + 2 * 
    se)) + geom_pointrange() + theme_dpi() + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, size = I(1.1), 
    color = I("red"))
plot of chunk coefplots


  1. Test our new megamodel for heteroskedacticty. What do you find?

  2. Does megamodel2 exhibit non-linearity? Can you fit a quantile regression model of this?

  3. Can you simulate a model with multiple variables? What does it look like?

Bonus: Write better code for the plot with different lines for different values of variable 2.

Other References

Session Info

It is good to include the session info, e.g. this document is produced with knitr version 0.8. Here is my session info:

print(sessionInfo(), locale = FALSE)
## R version 2.15.2 (2012-10-26)
## Platform: i386-w64-mingw32/i386 (32-bit)
## attached base packages:
## [1] grid      stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods  
## [8] base     
## other attached packages:
##  [1] sandwich_2.2-9  quantreg_4.91   SparseM_0.96    mgcv_1.7-22    
##  [5] eeptools_0.1    mapproj_1.1-8.3 maps_2.2-6      proto_0.3-9.2  
##  [9] stringr_0.6.1   plyr_1.7.1      ggplot2_0.9.2.1 lmtest_0.9-30  
## [13] zoo_1.7-9       knitr_0.8      
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] codetools_0.2-8    colorspace_1.2-0   dichromat_1.2-4   
##  [4] digest_0.5.2       evaluate_0.4.2     formatR_0.6       
##  [7] gtable_0.1.1       labeling_0.1       lattice_0.20-10   
## [10] MASS_7.3-22        Matrix_1.0-10      memoise_0.1       
## [13] munsell_0.4        nlme_3.1-105       RColorBrewer_1.0-5
## [16] reshape2_1.2.1     scales_0.2.2       tools_2.15.1

Attribution and License

Public Domain Mark
This work (R Tutorial for Education, by Jared E. Knowles), in service of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, is free of known copyright restrictions.